Never Make a Boring Salad Again

Never Make a Boring Salad Again

A bowl of veggies usually just isn't as popular as other more flavorful (but probably unhealthy) food. Most people think having a salad as a meal won't be filling enough, worry they won't feel satisfied, and they just want something heartier and more, well, interesting. If you go to a restaurant, the solution to this is to add a protein, usually meat or fish, occasionally tofu at the more vegetarian friendly places. And while that's always an option to help your salads be more filling, there's so much more we can do to actually get us excited about having all those veggies we know we should be eating!

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Meal Prepping - Eat Better, Save Time and Save Money

Meal Prepping - Eat Better, Save Time and Save Money

While it's true that cooking can take more time and effort than eating out, the benefits of being in control of what goes in your body are really, really worth it. If you’re in the habit of eating a meal out or ordering takeout more than twice a week, I encourage you to commit to cooking more. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to take that much time. When you make your own food, you will consume less salt, less sugar, less additives, preservatives and dyes, and gain more nutrients, satisfaction, and connection to your food. You’ll most likely even save money, find more time in your day, and stay on track with your intended diet. It’s a win- win!

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