7 Satisfying Vegan Salads

7 Satisfying Vegan Salads

As spring forges ahead and the temperatures heat up here in Southern California, I find salads are the way to go for a quick and healthy meal. Eating more plants is the simplest and most effective way to improve your health. Those who eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables have lowered risk of chronic disease, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and even some types of cancer. Vegetables increase your fiber intake, vitamin and mineral intake, and increase the amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in your diet. You’ll increase your good gut bacteria, improve detoxification, and improve your energy levels, skin health, and immunity, among many other benefits.

The following salads are some of my favorite combinations of vegetables, plant based protein and healthy fats that will nourish you and leave you feeling satisfied.

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Never Make a Boring Salad Again

Never Make a Boring Salad Again

A bowl of veggies usually just isn't as popular as other more flavorful (but probably unhealthy) food. Most people think having a salad as a meal won't be filling enough, worry they won't feel satisfied, and they just want something heartier and more, well, interesting. If you go to a restaurant, the solution to this is to add a protein, usually meat or fish, occasionally tofu at the more vegetarian friendly places. And while that's always an option to help your salads be more filling, there's so much more we can do to actually get us excited about having all those veggies we know we should be eating!

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